Pushing for better health outcomes!
Most people improve their blood sugars and blood pressure in days and lose 12kg to 17kg over the 10 weeks!
Accredited Exercise Physiologist, BA Human Movement, Master of Teaching (PDHPE), Bachelor of Research (Reversal of Type 2 Diabetes in the Aboriginal Community)
Learn from one of the industry's leaders!
Ray Kelly Fitness is the home of fast, long-term weight loss. Our clients reach their goal weight because the program is easy to follow, fits into your lifestyle and is designed using the latest research!
If you would like to see the results from our primary program, 'Too Deadly For Diabetes' visit www.TooDeadlyForDiabetes.com.au
My name is Jenny. I am 61 years old and I was diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes approx. 20 years ago. At the time of the diagnosis I maintained a health weight for several years, however over the last 10 years my weight increased to approx. 150 kg and my blood sugar levels increased to the point where my doctor told me that I would be looking at having to use Insulin if I did not do something to stabilise my blood sugar levels. That was a wake up call I needed.
My Diabetic Educator introduced me to Ray Kelly Fitness, and my journey to healthy eating began. I dropped weight rapidly on the eating plan, but as well as losing the weight to reduce my blood sugar levels I regained my life.
Initially I couldn’t walk to the corner of our road without my hips and knees aching. I am now able to exercise, walking daily with my husband and 2 Labradors, go to the beach, do Reformer Pilates, aqua aerobics, my joints don’t hurt and I can put on my shoes and socks with ease! The simple things people take for granted. Apart from that my doctor is pleased with my progress, I have reduced my medication for both the diabetes as well as blood pressure medication.
I very quickly dropped 50 kilos in weight, and over the last year I have maintained that weight and sit at approx. 96 kilos.
I am a nearly 42 year old mum with PCOS. So I will never lose weight.. age and genetics are against me. I have tried everything and nothing has worked. I hate going out, hate having my photo taken, hate catching myself in the mirror. I self criticise and make fun of my weight before someone else does….
All of these things and thoughts consumed me, so when I saw the email about the Ray Kelly program my first thought as always is yes I will try that because I am desperate and I always think the next thing will be the thing that works. But then I thought do I really want to spend more money on another failed attempt?
I can’t say what it was that made me take that last leap of faith but I did.. and I will never look back!
Almost everything you read about PCOS is about how difficult it is to lose weight, coupled with my age and that fact I work in an office almost gave me an excuse to be fat.
Signing up for the program literally changed my life. I lost 3 kilos in the first week, then continued losing just over a kilo a week. People started commenting on my weight loss just 3 weeks in. But nothing meant more to me then when my husband told me how proud he was of me and my commitment to the changes i was making. He started following the program as well and started seeing quick results too.
Week 8 was my stumbling block – a planned food and wine trip away for my anniversary, I put 3 kilos on!! But I look at it as a positive as it reminded me that my body type does put weight on that quick but that I now have the tools to get back on track! And I did! Within a week of coming back and using Ray’s advice and tools I lost the 3 kilos. In total I lost 10.3kg in 10 weeks. If you had told me I could lose even 5kg on the program I would have thought that was impossible.
For many reasons I say do this program, get your life back, get your health back but most importantly get your self-respect back. I have stopped making jokes about my weight, I am proud of myself I am healthier and happier already and I am confident that I have learnt how to keep losing the weight and keep it off.
From the bottom of my heart, thank you Ray for supporting me with this life changing program.
Thank you Ray for allowing me to be part of your program. I was sceptical at first as I had tried a number of different diets with no success. I always thought that my weight was my weight and get used to it. Over the 12 week course I dropped from 92kg to 79kg. I can't remember the last time I was in the 70's.
The great thing about this program it teaches you how to eat right. It's not a fad diet but a lifestyle change. It makes you think about what you put in your mouth and what results from it.
This program has changed my life and I encourage anyone that's thinking about it to do it. You won't regret it.